Last Thursday (17 April 2014) I was honored to present at the largest online only SharePoint conference ever: SP24 (
I have just uploaded the slides to SlideShare:
Although the presentation was a live webcast, which should’ve been recorded, the recording has not been published yet. The organization did ask me to pre-record my session as well though, just in case technology would fail on us during the live webcast. And this pre-recording is available on YouTube:
Update 23-4-2014: The pre-recorded version of my session is no longer publicly available on YouTube. The SP24 organization has announced the SP24 Rewound version of the conference in a few weeks, where all session recordings will be made publicly available. Guess we have to wait until then 🙂
Update 22-5-2014: SP24 Rewound has taken place last week and now SP24 is really over. The good news: the recording of my session is available again! To visit the conference room, and see the chat window and session resources as well:
A direct link to the recording of my session on YouTube:
An overview of all session recordings: